Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lots and Lots of Cherries

This morning, Russ and I woke up early to pick cherries. Our neighbors have a mature cherry tree but aren't interested in the fruit. We received permission to pick the fruit and ended up with about 25 pounds of cherries.
I've been meaning learn to preserve food by canning for a while. I have several books in the subject, but I've been too chicken to start. I figured that cherries would be an easy way to begin, as you don't have to pit or peel them, which many other fruits and vegetables require. It wasn't too bad, though I was  busy canning for about five hours. At least I have a lot to show for it.


  1. Isn't it? I have to say that I am very proud of myself. The apricots will be next, but also a lot harder because I'll have to blanch and peel them before putting them in the jars.
